Barrfab presents the Veterinary Surgical Table, used to facilitate service and ensure maximum security, technology, efficiency and flexibility of movements, ideal for environments such as doctor's offices, clinics and veterinary surgical centers. The Veterinary Surgical Table has the top configured in “V” or flat shape, according to the user's need. The tops are made of AISI stainless steel 304 (Chrome-nickel) or radiolucent material (phenolite), specially designed for image intensifiers use (X-ray and C-arch).

Barrfab presents the Veterinary Surgical Table, used to facilitate service and ensure maximum security, technology, efficiency and flexibility of movements, ideal for environments such as doctor's offices, clinics and veterinary surgical centers. The Veterinary Surgical Table has the top configured in “V” or flat shape, according to the user's need. The tops are made of AISI stainless steel 304 (Chrome-nickel) or radiolucent material (phenolite), specially designed for image intensifiers use (X-ray and C-arch).

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